Kate’s relationship with hot yoga began in 2010. Following years of brutal martial arts training and numerous injuries, she did not have the flexibility she desired. After exploring many studios, she found Fierce Grace and soon felt the transformative effect on her stiff, damaged body as it began to feel more strong and mobile.
Since graduating from the Fierce Grace Teacher Training in 2015 Kate has broadened her knowledge and now teaches a variety of classes. She's passionate about helping beginners on their yoga journey discover their true potential and she stands by her philosophy that no-one is too inflexible or broken for yoga.
Her black belt mindset and self-discipline will inspire you and help you reach new levels in your yoga practice that you didn’t know were possible. Expect to leave Kate’s class feeling motivated and ready to attack the day ahead of you, her energy is contagious.
Your favourite FG class and why: Beast, it was the first class to really put me in my place and help me realise how fierce yoga can be.
Your teaching style in 3 words: Fun, Dynamic, Challenging.
Further Qualifications: Advanced Hands On Adjustment with Michael James Wong, Shotocan Karate Black Belt.