
At City x Mission E1


In 2014, after years of running and high-impact activities, Natalia ground to a halt. Her knees were wrecked, and exercise was only possible with painkillers. On a quest to find exercise that wouldn't exacerbate her injuries, she dabbled with yoga. But it wasn’t until she discovered Fierce Grace that she finally caught the yoga bug.

Despite being stiff, broken and stressed, she instantly felt welcomed. She loved the music and was impressed by the teachers' knowledge and injury modifications. Natalia swiftly developed a daily practice and saw amazing results. Within two years she was able to exercise pain-free and had developed a stronger sense of self-respect.

Natalia wanted to help others start their journey towards a pain-free and happier life, and completed her 250-hour Fierce Grace Teacher Training in 2018. Her classes are all about listening to your body and going at your own pace. As a keen photographer, when she’s not teaching or practising yoga, you’ll find her behind a camera.

Your favourite FG class and why: Deep Core - it doesn’t matter if you’re new and a bit creaky around the joints or a super-bendy and experienced yogi, it’s an amazing sequence that leaves you feeling calm, relaxed and centred.

Sum up your teaching style in 3 words: Warm, Welcoming, Empowering.